Dicamba + MCPA + Triclopyr This powerful, non-volatile formulation works on the toughest weed species, yet is harmless to grass. It stays where you spray, without danger of vapor damage or root uptake by surrounding trees and ornamentals.
Potassium Soap 22.11%
Fast-acting water-based, multi-purpose formula
works within hours to kill moss, algae and lichens
on lawns, trees, roofs, decks, etc. Does not stain or
damage desirable plants. Also removes green slime.
Bottle attaches to hose.
The ultimate systemic broadleaf weed killer for lawn and turf. New chemistry that's especially effective on over 200 hard to kill weeds, right to the roots. Visible results in just 24 hours! Rain fast once dry. Reseed in just 2 weeks! Superior cool weather performance down to 450F extends application window to early spring and
to late fall, when weeds are most susceptible. Non 2, 4-D formula contains MCPA, Mecoprop-p, Dicamba
and Carfentrazone. MCPA, Mecoprop-p, Dicamba, and Carfentrazone. Weed Beater ULTRA has quickly become our #1 broadleaf weed control. Contains "See Spray" non-staining blue marker dye.
Ferrous Sulfate Monohydrate & Iron 23.34% Kills lawn moss quickly. Turns lawns a deep green. Contains no fertilizer for no excess growth and less mowing. 20 lbs. per 5000 sq. ft. Applies easily with standard lawn
Contains Trimec(R) three way herbicide for effective weed
control to the roots. Systemic. Rainfast upon drying.
Contains "See Spray" non-staining blue marker dye.
Contains Horsepower(R) (Triclopyr + MCPA + Dicamba)
Systemic action kills to the root. Compare and save. One
pint treats 5,000 sq. ft., over 1.5 times the competition.
Plus, the label lists over 150 additional tough to control
"Over the top" selective systematic weed killer takes out grassy weeds without harming desirable plants. Great for vegetable gardens, groundcovers, flower beds, shrubs, trees.... A simple water dilution. No crop oil is needed. Sethoxydim 13. (Poast Plus)
Contact and systemic action. Kills grassy broadleaf weeds
like crabgrass, clover, chickweed, oxalis, dollarweed,
spurge, foxtail and over 200 others. Not recommended
for St. Augustine or Centipede grass type turf. Combines
Quinclorac, 2,4-D and Dicamba for complete post
emergent weed control, right down to the roots! Contains
"See Spray" non-staining blue marker dye.
Formulation: 2,4-D 47.2%
Provides control of many emerged annual and perennial
broadleaf weeds. Labeled for selected farm crops,
ornamental turf, brush control, forest management and
aquatic applications. Use to control hard to kill weeds
such as Bindweed, Thistle, Smartweed, Wild Garlic, Curly
Dock, Tansy Ragwort and Wild Onions.
Dilution Rate: For spot treatment of existing broadleaf
weeds in turfgrass, dilute 1 1/3 oz. in 1 gal. of water.
Contains Horsepower0 (Triclopyr + MCPA + Dicamba) Systemic action kills to the root. Compare and save. One pint treats 5,000 sq. ft., over 1.5 times the competition. Plus, the label lists over 150 additional tough to control weeds.
Formulation: Glyphosate 41%
Non-selective weed and grass killer, contains a doublesurfactant formulation that dries on plant fast to start
working quickly. Multiple use formulation...near Fences,
in Paths, Patios, Sidewalks, Curbs and Driveways.
Dilution Rate: General Weed Control: 3 Tbs. per gal.
of water. Tough Weed Control & Brush: 5 Tbs. per gal.
of water.
Postemergent broadleaf herbicide for use
in crops, pastures, rangeland, stubble, and
noncropland for thistle and broadleaf weeds.
Contains mixed amines of 2,4-D. 2 quarts/acre.